Fly Tying

Rainbow Warrior

I was very pleasantly surprised to receive a package from Bruce Luxford all the way from Washington in the USA containing two packets of beautifully tied flies and a note included:

‘I hope you do not take offense to my mailing you a couple of flies that I really enjoy tying and fishing with. They positively catch fish!’

Well I certainly didn’t take offence and while I haven’t had chance to fish with them they certainly look like they should catch.

Rainbow Warrior fly by Bruce Luxford
Rainbow Warrior by Bruce Luxford

The flies pictured are the first of the two patterns Bruce sent which he calls ‘Rainbow Warrior’

20th Oct 2022 Update… I have received some more information about the history and tying details of the rainbow warrior from Bruce

A little background.

Years back, Lance Egan developed the (traditional) Rainbow Warrior, and used it when he was one of the Team USA members in the international fly fishing competition FIPS-Mouche . Quite a successful fly!

Recently, a year or so ago, he added CDC (cul de canard) as a soft hackle collar. The movement of the CDC fibers in the water column made the fly even more effective.

If you Google Lance Egan, you will learn of some of his other successful patterns.

Bruce Luxford

The fly pictured here is the modified version with the CDC hackle.


Hook: Dohiku’s HDG 644 #18 this version, originally TMC 2457
Thread: UTC Ultrathread 70d – Red or 8/0 UNI-Thread Waxed Midge – Red – Note don’t use hot red this is too bright
Bead: Tungsten Bead – Silver – 2.5mm (this version origionally 2mm)
Tail: Ringneck Pheasant Tail – Natural – possible to substitute Coq de Leon
Body/Wing Case: Veevus Pearl Tinsel – Large
Thorax: Wapsi Sow Scud Dubbing – Rainbow
Collar: Natural or Light Gray Dun CDC (this version Nature’s Spirit)

More to come soon from Bruce when I post about the other fly pattern he sent….

About the author


Founder and owner of
A keen angler since 1998 when I started sea fishing while living in Australia
On returning to the UK, l realised I had good trout water on my doorstep and took up fly fishing. I pursued this with the same passion and was happy to have the opportunity to develop a business in my chosen pursuit.
Favourite species include Trout and Grayling but I also like to pursue other species with the fly and have caught sea-trout, pike, perch, roach, chub, orf, minnows, mackerel, coalfish , pollock and mullet on the fly so far.

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