Some pictures from a day on the Wharfe at Bolton Abbey in May 2014.
The image above shows the stretch by the abbey. This spot can get busy on sunny summer days but was empty on this spring morning and is a great fishing spot with fish often seen rising all the way across this steady gliding pool and up in the faster neck water.
The river at Bolton Abbey responds to a wide range of techniques with steady glides, fast runs, wide areas and narrow channels. Β The different settings of meadows and woodland give options for different conditions. Β Dry fly, Czech nymph, French nymph, Spiders and Duo are all useful here, just a case of picking the right spots and conditions for each technique.
The fishing here is available on a day ticket from the Bolton Abbey Estate officeΒ . It’s worth checking Mark’s blog to see how the river is doing but if it rains the river does tend to rise fast.
For those who haven’t fished around here and are travelling, take a look at the EA River Levels website, either Addingham (not Town Beck) or Kettlewell. If they are showing about 0.30m, the levels are pretty good for fishing. Wading gets trickier as you get past 0.35m – these waters can be rocky in places π